level of operation中文什么意思

发音:   用"level of operation"造句
  • level:    n. 1.水平仪,水准仪;水准测量。 ...
  • operation:    n. 1.动作,行动,活动;业务,工 ...
  • level operation:    多层营业指分层管制的股权公司等机构)
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  1. In the last part , i gave some suggestion on the level of operation
  2. Asm is closer to bcel than to javassist in terms of the level of operations , but asm uses an interface that i find much cleaner than bcel s
    从操作级别上看, asm更靠近bcel而不是javassist ,但是asm采用了一种比bcel更整洁的接口。
  3. The first one is on the research of what vc is . the second is on how vc dose forming . the last is on level of operation of vc
  4. Accordingly , the absorption to the foreign advanced management theories is very helpful for comprehensively improving the level of operation and management of the state - owned commercial banks
  5. So according to the system theory and entropy theory , this paper researched the operation of logistics and analyzed its regularity and appraised the logistics system by the level of operation entropy


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  5. level of oil 什么意思
  6. level of optimization 什么意思
  7. level of orders 什么意思
  8. level of organic metamorphism 什么意思
  9. level of organization 什么意思
  10. level of overpressure 什么意思


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